005 - Inequalities

Conceptual Question

How does migration cause disparities between places?

Approaches to Learning

Thinking - Critical Thinking Skills - Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas. Evaluate evidence and arguments.

IT Development

Effective use of Google Earth Projects to display and convey information.

Key Terminology

  • Disparity or inequality

Define the key term above by using the resource in the 'Useful Link' below.

Useful Link

Activity One - Exploring Disparities

Geography is all about having an interest in place. Geographers use a range of evidence to develop a picture of a specific places when we can't visit them in person. Our focus for this lesson is to explore the disparities that exist within urban environments. As cities grow the inequality between its population can become visually very clear. We are going to watch two short YouTube clips as a team and you are going to mind map all the different forms of visual evidence you see that could indicate a disparity in wealth.

South Africa

Unequal Scenes

Boston, USA

Al Jazeera

Activity Two - Detailed Example - Google Earth Project

Bear with me on this as I am not a wizz when it comes to Google Earth! That said, I think it is an amazing resource and it is useful to know how to create a project to tell stories about the idea of place. As our focus is on the potential disparities that can be found in cities, a Google Earth Project will allow you to visually show me what they are and where they are in the city of your choice. I will also give you some resources to use if you would prefer to investigate a city that I have chosen for you to explore. This activity will help you gain confidence in using Google Earth and by the end of it you should hopefully be able to do the following:

  • Search for a location

  • Create a project

  • Add locations to a project

  • Style places in your project

  • Use Street View within Earth in Chrome projects

  • Add information to an information pane

  • Use fullscreen slides to give a project structure


  • Scale - Country Name

  • Scale - City Name

  • Scale - Specific place in the city


  • Disparities - Few Challenges - Are there less challenges in a megacity? What challenges may be reduced? For example - connectivity - access to the internet. More employment opportunities, or increased access to education.

  • Disparities - More Challenges - Are there more challenges in a megacity? What specific challenges may be increased? For example, increase in crime rates, increase in cost of living, more homelessness, etc.


  • Support the claim you have made with evidence. To do this try and find a clip from a news report or an article.

  • Use three data points as evidence.

  • Explain how those data points illustrate the fewer or increased amount of challenges.

  • This will go in the 'info box' in your Google Earth Project.


  • Question the claim. Can you find similar disparities in Geneva or in another city that you have lived in?

Creating a Google Earth Project

Creating a Google Earth Project

Thank you Mr. Allaway

Adding a Placemark

Thank you Mr. Allaway

Formatting a Placemark

Thank you Mr. Allaway

Useful Resources

An Example Google Earth Project from Mr. Allaway - Los Angeles, California, USA