003 - Methods of Investigation

Marks Allocated

3 marks out of 25

Suggested Word Limit

300 words out of 2500

Activity One - Data Collection

While everyone will write up their findings separately we will collate all of the data together as a team. In fact, you will collect more data than you need. Remember though that you should never use 'I' or 'we' anywhere in your IA. It is very similar to a Science lab report. As I show you the different data collection instruments and describe how to use them, fill in a copy of the table below.

Data Collection

Activity Two

When you write up your methodology section you need to make sure you are including the following points:

        1. What sampling techniques did you use to pick the sites and then collect the data at each site? Describe them and say why they were chosen. Hint - you should be describing two different techniques.

        2. In one sentence say which month and the amount of time that was used to collect the data.

        3. Describe each method to collect the data. Use subheadings to divide the techniques and image/diagrams to help with your descriptions. (You will save on words if you include well-annotated diagrams of the data collection techniques.)

        4. You also need to justify why you are collecting this data by referring back to your hypotheses. You could suggest if the data is going to used to create statistical forms of analysis.

How will I be Assessed?

You will be assessed using the criteria below, make sure you read it carefully.

Image One - Assessment Criteria - Methods of Investigation

Taken From the DP Geography Guide 2019

Useful Resource

Please also visit www.geographyalltheway.com for more advice on how to complete your IA.